Mindful Schools
Thank you, Mindful Schools, for all your support!
'Tis the Season!
The holiday season is filled with love, wishes, family, friends, sweets, festivities.....and stress. Even your child might be feeling some holiday angst! I recently referred a great article by Dr. David Fassler to one of my client's parents, 10 Tips for Helping Your Child Cope with Holiday Stress (Huffington Post, 11/24/2010). Dr. Fassler suggests:
Mindful Classrooms - weeks 7-8
Week 7: Gratitude and Mindful Thoughts
Week 8: Mindful Eating and Test Taking
Mindful Classrooms is a program through Mindful Schools, in which I have the honor of sharing mindfulness with students throughout the county. Following are the excerpts from the parent newsletter sent at the end of each week.....
Mindful Classrooms - weeks 5-6
Week 5: Heartfulness on the Playground and Creating Space
Week 6: Mindfully Slowing Down
Mindful Classrooms is a program through Mindful Schools, in which I have the honor of sharing mindfulness with students throughout the county. Following are the excerpts from the parent newsletter sent at the end of each week.....
Mindful Classrooms - weeks 3-4
Week 3: Anchors and Generosity
Week 4: Generosity and Mindful Seeing
Mindful Classrooms is a program through Mindful Schools, in which I have the honor of sharing mindfulness with students throughout the county. Following are the excerpts from the parent newsletter sent at the end of each week.....
Mindful Classrooms - weeks 1-2
Week 1: Mindful Bodies and Mindful Listening
Week 2: Sending Kind Thoughts and Body Awareness
Mindful Classrooms is a program through Mindful Schools, in which I have the honor of sharing mindfulness with students throughout the county. Following are the excerpts from the parent newsletter sent at the end of each week.....
Be A Mindful Family!
Back-to-School To Do: Mindfulness and Empathy
It's that time of the year when summer feels like it went way too fast and the school year feels like it’s coming way too soon!
While you take in the last of the unscheduled summer days and contemplate where to locate last year's backpack, consider two additional items to put on your child's Back-to-School To Do list: Mindfulness and Empathy.
In a nutshell....
Mindfulness is an awareness I have about what's going inside for me. My thoughts, feelings, surroundings, sensations.
Empathy is an awareness I have about what's going on inside for you. Your thoughts, feelings, surroundings, sensations.
My loved one suffers with severe mental illness
I have a loved one that suffers with severe mental illness. He's a brilliant, beautiful, creative person who told spellbinding, captivating stories of far away places and taught me to not be afraid of the dark. But just as quick and easy as flicking a light switch on and off, our lives changed from moment to moment.